Meet Philippe

Philippe Kane plays Mark Watson, Claire’s practical and skeptical father. Unlike Claire’s mother, Katie, Mark believes there is a rational explanation for Claire’s behavior and is not at all happy about Leigh’s presence in the house. I especially loved reviewing footage of Philippe after long filming days because of the emotion that comes through in his delivery of both concern and skepticism. It was also really fun to watch Philippe and Mary stay in their roles off the camera.

Tell me a little bit about your background.

I have always been drawn in by film as a way to bolster my imagination. I remember being quite young and being transported to new worlds and meeting characters that inspired me to look beyond what was in front of me. This led me to write plays and create new characters on stage while in high school and then I went on to study Drama Studies at SUNY Purchase in New York. That was the beginning of being able to quench my creative side. I eventually went on to get my doctorate in clinical psychology which greatly aided my ability to be engulfed in all types of human behavior. Acting in In Your Afterglow was a great opportunity to revive some of those creative chops and continue studying the human behavior of Trish’s characters that she has developed for the film.

What was your favorite experience working on In Your Afterglow?

Working with Mary, my onscreen “wifey” as I call her, is always uplifting, professional and fun. She takes her craft seriously and is always reliably funny yet professional to run lines with. Her good energy makes it a pleasure to come to set.

How did you prepare for your role in the film?

I really tried to relate to parents who have children with autism. I have had a lot of experience as a psychologist working with individuals with autism and their parents. Typically, parents are over burdened with trying to navigate resources and services for their children, never getting enough respite for themselves. Additionally, there can be shame and stigma attached to having a child with special needs, that requires some self discovery. This helped shape how I viewed my character Mark.

What was your favorite scene in the film?

My favorite scenes were the family scenes. There was some good comic relief in between takes with the younger actors and Rich Henkels, who is a class act.

What was your biggest challenge while filming In Your Afterglow?

Really, just the location. There was a lot of commuting from DC where I live, to York Pa on the weekends. Luckily, we shot in the summer and York has a lot of beautiful trees.

What’s next for you?

I look forward to any future projects that may come way.

Click the following link to see Philippe in the Official Trailer for In Your Afterglow.

Click on the link below to purchase your tickets to see Philippe in the Premiere of In Your Afterglow.