
Hope! Hope! Where are you my friend?

Hiding again.

Your nemesis, your archenemy, beckons you.

I beckon you.


Hope! Hope! Where are you my friend?

Hiding again.

Come fight your battle. Find your strength.

I beckon you.


Can you hear me, through all of this noise?

I know you are there. I’ve seen you before.


“Show your face!” Your adversary dares.

“I have defeated you before and I’ll defeat you again.” Fear shouts boldly.


Hope! Hope! Where are you my friend?

Stop hiding!

Emerge. Demonstrate your strength.


Your enemy, my enemy,

fuels the masses,

emboldens a few,

promotes vulgarity,

fosters discrimination,

advances violence,

paralyzes creativity,

stymies progress,

obliterates reason.


Your enemy, my enemy,

is winning merely by your absence, your default.

Emerge. Demonstrate your strength.


Hope? Is that you?

I think I hear you.

Are you stirring?

I think I hear you.